Stiftung Bürgerspital zum Hl. Geist
Theaterstraße 19
97070 Würzburg
Phone: +49 931 3503-0
Fax: +49 931 3503-400
Managing board authorised to represent: Annette Noffz ((Ltd. Stiftungsdirektorin) (chairman), Christian Schuchardt (Oberbürgermeister Stadt Würzburg)
Foundation supervisory authority: Regierung von Unterfranken
Peterplatz 9
97070 Würzburg
Value added tax registration number(s): DE134187770
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolutions (ODR) which can be accessed at We are ready to participate in extra-judicial dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer dispute resolution body. The competent body in this matter is: Universalschlichtungsstelle des Bundes am Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V., Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein, Germany,
Register, Type of Register and Register Number of the wine estate:
Commercial Register, the register is administered by Amtsgericht Würzburg, Register number HRA 546