Würzburger Stein-Harfe | VDP.GROSSE LAGE
The Stein-Harfe (in English "stone harp") is in the heart of the Würzburg Stein and is a VDP.GROSSE LAGE and solely owned by Bürgerspital. The deep soil guarantees perfect growing conditions and the shallow enclosed valley ensures a mild microclimate. First mentioned in the 17th century as "Harpfe", the vineyard with the diagonally running Rotkreuzsteig and the rows of vines is reminiscent of a harp from the perspective of Würzburg."
Our Silvaner GG from the Stein-Harfe has an impressive density, intense minerality and excellent ageing potential. Regarding the "Best Silvaner of Germany" our Stein Harfe Silvaner GG has already repeatedly been given this title.
The noble sweet Rieslings with refined sweetness and clarity from this top vineyard are true classics. Awards such as "Riesling Champion Edelsüß" or other top ratings in this category are a regular feature of these wines.